BOWLING CLUBS – London/Philippines

We’ve seen hot private jets and boutique bars with a VIP edge. Could it be possible that bowling clubs are also becoming chic? We think it might be. Smelly, creaky bowling alleys and their sub-par fast food fare have a long way to go to become even retro, not to mention stylish, but there is hope. Recently, everybody’s been gushing over private bowling club All Star Lanes (pictured above) in London that apparently has managed to lure Madonna herself to its luxury and privacy.

In the Philippines, where bowling is a national sport, SM Bowling Center(pictured above & below) recently opened a new ally in the country’s largest mall, Mall of Asia in Manila. Formal blessing rites and introductory tournaments marked the launch of this 34-lane beauty. It is the handy work of the Melbourne Architects EAT who also designed the SM Megamall alley in Manila. Now that we are on a roll, we’d like to find more cool places to bowl. Please let us know if you know where they are. By Tuija Seipell

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