Atelier Exquise

Atelier Exquise is a showroom, design studio, kitchen and a small apartment for Exquise Design in Paris. Exquise is a team of three female designers focusing on designing contemporary lovetoys.
The new space is a meeting place for creatives where they can cook both ideas and food. Designed by Stockholm-based Electric Dreams,the space starts with white walls, ceiling and floor. To this simplebackdrop, spurts of electric and luminous pinks, blues, purples, greensand yellow, add a feel of lightness and delight.

Electric Dreams is an architecture and design studio established in2006 by product designer Joel Degermark and architect CatharinaFranklander. Their design work ranges from cool and sleek retailinteriors to lush and crazy installations. Degermark’s Cluster lamp forMoooi and the team’s fantastic, multiple concepts for the Swedish brandMonki — purchased in 2006 by H&M — are examples of the duo’s manytalents. – Tuija Seipell

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